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We stayed about 20 minutes outside of Caen. This city was founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, and many of the buildings were built by him of local limestone. On our first day in Caen we ate lunch on the steps of the cathedral across from the Chateau de Ducal.

Chateau Ducal - The home of William the Conqueror. This is a very large complex in the center of the city. It is freely open to the public and functions as a city park, with kids playing and people meeting for lunch on the grassy slopes outside the walls.

Abbaye aux Hommes - The Men's Abbey. William and his wife, Matilda, built two large abbeys on opposite sides of Caen, one for the men and one for the women (Abbaye aux Dames). The landscaping out front is absurdly formal.

Mont Saint-Michel

Copyright © 2004 David J Blodgett and Kara M Loewe

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